IntermediateTLSProfile is a TLS security profile based on:
ModernTLSProfile is a TLS security profile based on:
OldTLSProfile is a TLS security profile based on:
type is one of Old, Intermediate, Modern or Custom. Custom provides the ability to specify individual TLS security profile parameters. Old, Intermediate and Modern are TLS security profiles based on:
The profiles are intent based, so they may change over time as new ciphers are developed and existing ciphers are found to be insecure. Depending on precisely which ciphers are available to a process, the list may be reduced.
Note that the Modern profile is currently not supported because it is not yet well adopted by common software libraries.
Generated using TypeDoc
TLSSecurityProfile defines the schema for a TLS security profile. This object is used by operators to apply TLS security settings to operands.