Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment.
Count of hash collisions for the Deployment. The Deployment controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ReplicaSet.
Represents the latest available observations of a deployment's current state.
The generation observed by the deployment controller.
readyReplicas is the number of pods targeted by this Deployment with a Ready Condition.
Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector).
Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. This is the total number of pods that are still required for the deployment to have 100% available capacity. They may either be pods that are running but not yet available or pods that still have not been created.
Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec.
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DeploymentStatus is the most recently observed status of the Deployment.