The ImagePullPolicy to use.
Possible enum values:
means that kubelet always attempts to pull the latest image. Container will fail If the pull fails."IfNotPresent"
means that kubelet pulls if the image isn't present on disk. Container will fail if the image isn't present and the pull fails."Never"
means that kubelet never pulls an image, but only uses a local image. Container will fail if the image isn't presentThe imagePullSecrets to pull the container images from Defaults to none
The image registry to pull the container images from Defaults to the same registry the operator's container image is pulled from.
The image tag to use for the continer images installed. Defaults to the same tag as the operator's container image.
The name of the Prometheus service account that needs read-access to KubeVirt endpoints Defaults to prometheus-k8s
The namespace Prometheus is deployed in Defaults to openshift-monitor
Designate the label for KubeVirt components. Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product. If ProductComponent is not specified, the component label default value is kubevirt.
Designate the label for KubeVirt components. Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product. If ProductName is not specified, the part-of label will be omitted.
Designate the label for KubeVirt components. Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product. If ProductVersion is not specified, KubeVirt's version will be used.
The namespace the service monitor will be deployed When ServiceMonitorNamespace is set, then we'll install the service monitor object in that namespace otherwise we will use the monitoring namespace.
Specifies if kubevirt can be deleted if workloads are still present. This is mainly a precaution to avoid accidental data loss
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