ActivePods is a mapping of pod UID to node name. It is possible for multiple pods to be running for a single VMI during migration.
Conditions are specific points in VirtualMachineInstance's pod runtime.
EvacuationNodeName is used to track the eviction process of a VMI. It stores the name of the node that we want to evacuate. It is meant to be used by KubeVirt core components only and can't be set or modified by users.
FSFreezeStatus is the state of the fs of the guest it can be either frozen or thawed
Interfaces represent the details of available network interfaces.
LauncherContainerImageVersion indicates what container image is currently active for the vmi.
MigratedVolumes lists the source and destination volumes during the volume migration
Represents the method using which the vmi can be migrated: live migration or block migration
This represents the migration transport
NodeName is the name where the VirtualMachineInstance is currently running.
Phase is the status of the VirtualMachineInstance in kubernetes world. It is not the VirtualMachineInstance status, but partially correlates to it.
PhaseTransitionTimestamp is the timestamp of when the last phase change occurred
The Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the virtual machine instance based on resource requirements See PodQOSClass type for available QOS classes More info:
Possible enum values:
is the BestEffort qos class."Burstable"
is the Burstable qos class."Guaranteed"
is the Guaranteed qos class.A brief CamelCase message indicating details about why the VMI is in this state. e.g. 'NodeUnresponsive'
RuntimeUser is used to determine what user will be used in launcher
SELinuxContext is the actual SELinux context of the virt-launcher pod
VSOCKCID is used to track the allocated VSOCK CID in the VM.
VirtualMachineRevisionName is used to get the vm revision of the vmi when doing an online vm snapshot
VolumeStatus contains the statuses of all the volumes
Generated using TypeDoc
VirtualMachineInstanceStatus represents information about the status of a VirtualMachineInstance. Status may trail the actual state of a system.