DedicatedCPUPlacement requests the scheduler to place the VirtualMachineInstance on a node with enough dedicated pCPUs and pin the vCPUs to it.
Required number of vCPUs to expose to the guest.
The resulting CPU topology being derived from the optional PreferredCPUTopology attribute of CPUPreferences that itself defaults to PreferSockets.
IsolateEmulatorThread requests one more dedicated pCPU to be allocated for the VMI to place the emulator thread on it.
MaxSockets specifies the maximum amount of sockets that can be hotplugged
Model specifies the CPU model inside the VMI. List of available models It is possible to specify special cases like "host-passthrough" to get the same CPU as the node and "host-model" to get CPU closest to the node one. Defaults to host-model.
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CPUInstancetype contains the CPU related configuration of a given VirtualMachineInstancetypeSpec.
Guest is a required attribute and defines the number of vCPUs to be exposed to the guest by the instancetype.